First thing's first:
-Name your kid after a video game character.

-Make sure they are properly geared. Just because they are only level 1 doesn't mean they have to settle for gray items. Hook them up with some superior blue or epic purples (WoW reference for my non-nerdy friends).
Last Halloween by good friend Caitlin made Link an awesome moogle costume (Final Fantasy character). No one knew what he was but he was deliciously nerdy and incredibly adorable. Gear is everything!

-Make sure they know Mommy and Daddy are proud to be nerds.
-Get them started early. You are never too young to know how to click a mouse, play a DS or hold a PS3 controller.
-Teach them to count with a D20

Our kid literally learned his numbers looking at dice you would use to play D&D or other RP games. How 'bout them apples!
-Teach them WWMD (what would Miyamoto do?) I think he'd celebrate in style.
Link's first birthday was somewhat Legend of Zelda themed. The Link character on the counter is made out of mini cupcakes. He also had a triforce smash cake.
-Decorate accordingly:
His bathroom is Pacman adorned. A hand painted arcade screen shower curtain (which I show you how to make here), paintings and the rest of the accessories are also hand painted... some day before he moves out the latch hook rug will be done too.

This bad boy resides in our little nerds play room. Glass design done by me. Refinished, stained, coats of resin by D.
-Equip them with the correct weapons
(I know a certain plumber who rescues princesses. A toilet brush is close enough to a plunger.)
-Teach him to defend himself if he gets picked on and remind him that the nerds always do best once high school is over and the real world hits!
A Time I Had
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