Grandma Came To Visit!!
This past week we were lucky enough to have my mom brave the nastiness that is Texas and come to visit Link and I while D is away at training. The company was more than I could ask for and we took her back this afternoon. I find myself missing my mommy as I sit here blogging. The military life is a great thing because we are well taken care of and don't have to worry about where money will come from but it's tough. It's hard to be moved away from your home, thrust into a place you aren't fond of and then have your significant other shipped off to soon. I know I'm an adult and that I have responsibilities but every once in a while it's nice to have your mommy come and help you take care of your kid and hang out with you after he goes to bed!
Can You Tell Me How to Get...
So Much to do
We did quite a bit while Grandma was here but tried not to wear ourselves out. There was a visit to the zoo and a small train ride.

There was a big trip to Austin to see and ride the steam trains.

There was lots of ipod games with Grandma.

There was book reading with Grandma.

There was snacking with Grandma.

There was playing stand up Cars (aka Link's "prize" for doing well with potty training) with Grandma.

There was movie watching with Grandma.

Needless to say, we had a great time and were sorry to see her go. And to make it even harder, when we were leaving the airport and Link wanted Grandma to come with us I told him "No, Grandma is going to go home so she can see Grandpa" and then he told me with a super excited look "We go see Grandpa!!" and tried to steer me toward security so we could get on the plane and go with her. The entire way home and all the way up the stairs he wanted to go see Grandpa. Broke my heart! We had a great time though. Even with swerving through lanes of traffic, jumping a curb, whipping out a travel potty and helping Link pee in a church parking lot, we had a great time! We're classy people!
A Time I Had

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