We had a baby! It was about time... even though technically he was two weeks early. After two and a half days of contractions I went through three hours of labor, lost enough blood to warrant a transfusion of two units, had a beautiful son and proceeded to spend almost a week in the hospital with a debilitating headache trying to recover. After numerous people trying to figure out what was wrong with me (Link was perfect and healthy) they decided to send me home to get better. The car ride home and the next few days were less than easy. It was, however, nice to be home again with my pup and my ferret and my comfy bed. I eventually kicked the headache and am now just experiencing the general recovery of having a baby!
Link has been a complete joy. Even though it's exhausting and sometimes frustrating he has been worth every ounce of everything I have been through. D has been amazing. He's sacrificed countless hours of sleep taking care of both Link and I (as well as the pets). I knew I was lucky to have him but I didn't know how lucky until now.
I always said pregnancy didn't suit me and it sure didn't but being a mommy works for me. My little baby is such a sweetie... even when he's screaming in the middle of the night!
I love my little family!